Saturday, December 27, 2008

Getting organized

First of all: the handmade gifts were universally admired. Two reactions that thrilled me most: From my Father-in-Law -- "I'm just overwhelmed." (He got the Buchanan plaid blanket.) From my Sister-in-Law, about the gifts in general: "I think your crafts get better every year." *grins from ear to ear*

Now, on to the next thing: Putting away the leftovers and the projects that just didn't get done this year. Prioritizing. I'm thinking of creating a "project notebook" that would be half Idea Book, half Record Book with notes and pictures of the things I've somehow managed to create in all this chaos.

About the chaos: It's got to go. I'm going to spend some time in the next few days clearing out my "craft closet" so we can move D's new computer into it -- I guess we'll measure and go to Ikea to find an appropriate-sized desk or other piece of furniture to hold the thing. Once we get him settled in there, I can start moving things out of the office upstairs so I can measure and plan how I'd like to move things in when the time comes to set up my new sewing room, which I think is rapidly turning into a crafting studio.

Yesterday I went to the Jo Ann Fabrics up in Mount Holly that's closing next month and bought, for cheap, some fleece for a blanket, some linen to try as an alternative to the terry in the towel/blankets, some duck cloth to use in possibly making picnic blankets, some monk cloth to try making woven afghans (I also bought a book on that for half price), and a mountain of rick rack just to have on hand in case I ever feel like embellishing anything. It was loads of fun. I'll miss those folks when the store closes and they have to move on -- I hope I'll see them at the Mount Laurel store, but I know it won't be the same.

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