Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Overboard and more

I lost track of the number of morsbags I was making and it got out of hand. When I stopped to count yesterday, thinking I had done about 13, the tally came to a walloping 20! There is something to be said for producing in bulk, but there is a time to cease and desist.

The annual "mix" CD is called "Lullaby" this year and needs no explanation. I put it together in honor of the many little ones born to friends and family recently and am looking forward to sending it out. Unfortunately, production has come to a halt as my DVD drive is mysteriously stuck shut and my techie-guy is sound asleep and is likely to stay that way for several hours.

The unadorned cookie tins I ordered arrived yesterday and it turns out they are not cookie tins at all. I totally underestimated the size and wound up with small round canisters that will hold about the same volume as a box of animal crackers. I'm looking around on the web for ideas as to what K and I might fill them with after we decorate them -- spiced nuts, perhaps? I have a nice recipe for cream cheese mints, but they're not the sort of thing one puts in tins. Hard candy would work, but I don't know how to make that. I suppose I could buy some, but that sort of defeats the purpose of giving homemade.

Tins or no tins, it's time to get to work on cookies. Three kinds: Chocolate chip, because my dad specifically requested them; Gingerbread men, because K is dying to make them; and sugar cookie cutouts, because it isn't Christmas without them. Technically we should start on these today.

Also in the must-get-done category: make Josh's hooded towel/blanket; bind David's blanket; finish all of the journals; wrap and mail the presents that need to go out TODAY!!!; and whatever else I've forgotten. Where are the elves when I need them?

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