Sunday, February 6, 2011


Due to a bout with bronchitis, I'm afraid I haven't been particularly active this week, and so haven't been taking many photographs.  "created" will have to take its form in words today:

Focusing on the good things created during the week...
  • Progress on my tea leaves cardigan
  • One spinach quiche for Sunday dinner and one herbed quiche for the freezer
  • Cottage cheese dill bread and French Lentil Soup 
  • A good start on K's Science Fair project with help from D
  • A totally doable challenge to myself to knit a sweater in a (short!) month
  • A significantly greater challenge in accepting the role of craft table chairperson for the church Christmas bazaar -- but still doable
  • A precious memory of time spent with a good friend in need
If you are inclined to share, please leave a comment with some of your week's good creations.

1 comment:

  1. Ack - bronchitis?!?!? You're a trooper for keeping up with the blog. Really enjoying the weekly updates and looking forward to watching the progression of more of your WIPs.
