Thursday, January 22, 2009

Separation anxiety

So I took my sewing machine into the shop to get cleaned and serviced today. I like the Vac 'n' Sew man a lot; he's just friendly enough without drawing customers into long involved conversations that hold up the other customers so they can't get their vacuum cleaners back and get out already. I handed him a long list of special presser feet I wanted and he was nice about saying he'd try to get them for me rather than laughing at me for wanting things he couldn't get for my pathetic simpleton machine. And he said I could have my machine back in about a week. I must have looked perfectly aghast at him, because he quickly added that he'd try to move it along so I could have it Monday or Tuesday instead. What a nice man!

Meanwhile I will tidy up my (temporary) craft room; I will continue to do work toward claiming my new craft studio; I will try to do some general decluttering around the house; and I will attempt to finish one crochet project. Excellent plans, I think; we'll see how many of them I can accomplish.

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